June 4, 2024

Open Water Swim at Rye Town Park

Open Water Swimming Program (OWS)

Rye Town Park’s Open Water Swim Program is a unique program that sets aside dedicated time to swim either of two dedicated courses. Available three evenings a week to swimmers of all ages, its a great way to wind down your day in beautiful surroundings.

When: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

Time: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM 

Starting Date: Tuesday, June 4th, 2024

Permit Portal Link to register for an OWS Permit

• All swimmers participate at their own risk and must sign the participation waiver - PARTICIPATION WAIVER

• Permit Cost is $70; parking, beach admission, & a participation waiver are included
• The Open Water Swim wrist band and/or printed OWS permit must be presented at the beach entrance to gain access
• You can register for the permit by clicking the link above or here
• At the time of registration for a OWS Permit, you must also upload a copy of the signed waiver
• The waiver can be obtained by clicking the link above
• Waivers of swimmers under 18 years of age must have the signature of a parent of guardian and their waivers must be submitted on paper
• You will be notified via email if swimming will be cancelled due to weather, water temperatures, or other issues on the day of

• All swimmers must follow one of two designated courses and everybody swims in the same direction
• Brightly colored swim caps are mandatory for safety
• The "in-shore" course is a 1/2 mile rectangle and can be followed at your own pace
• The "off-shore" course is a 1 mile swim that extends 10ft. beyond the breakwater
• The "off-shore" group assembles outside the First Aid Office at 6:45PM and splashes together at 7:00PM sharp
• Rye Town Park posts lifeguards