November 21, 2023

MLK Day Celebrations at Crawford Park

Join the Town of Rye in Celebrating MLK at Crawford Park

Saturday, January 13 from 10am -1pm, Free Haircuts

Courtesy of the Westchester Barber Academy, haircuts will be offered for free at Crawford Mansion from 10am - 1pm.
This event is open to everyone on a first come first served basis, you do not need to be a senior or a veteran, no appointments are necessary.

Westchester Barber Academy got its start in 2016 after years of running as an after school program at one of the local Charter Middle Schools in Mount Vernon, NY. The program was founded by then Charter School Director- Mr. Charnay Phaire, as a way to mentor inner city middle school students by teaching them the skill of barbering. The program’s success inspired Mr. Phaire (who was a longtime Barber) to start the Westchester Barber Academy to always equip people with a skilled trade to create jobs and business owners, all while serving the local community.

on Sunday, January 14 at 2pm, enjoy a FREE Celebration Concert with Carla & Keyes

Get Free Tickets Here:

Carla & Keyes will perform "Music of America - A musical journey from the crossroads to jazz and hip-hop"

Music of America, a musical presentation by Carla & Keyes, is a fun and family-friendly event that brings to life the vibrant intersection of European, African, and American musical traditions.

The first half of the program is “Colonial Crossroads”, which explores the historical significance of the Dutch holiday of Pinkster. Celebrated by free and enslaved Africans in Colonial New York, this holiday encouraged the fusion of European and African music and instruments, and laid the groundwork for future genres such as jazz and rock. It also includes an interactive lesson on the African tradition of “call and response”.

The second half of the program is “History of African-American Music”, which is a continuation of the evolution of music in America, from blues to jazz to rock to R&B. This presentation celebrates the musical roots of rock and roll, blues, and hip hop, and includes a singalong “Jazz Scat Workshop”. It also pays tribute to the pivotal role of African-American music in the Civil Rights movement, featuring iconic songs like “What's Going On?” as a testament to the enduring power of music as a force for change.

Revolutionary Sounds demonstrates that history is not just informative, but irresistibly entertaining.

Carla & Keyes is a married performing duo based in Yorktown Heights, NY. Collectively, they have performed hundreds of concerts and educational programs for schools, spiritual centers, and community events over the course of thirty years.


On Monday, January 15th at 9:00am, there will be a Martin Luther King Day of Service

Most Of Crawford Park is beautiful, but... the lower field next to Korean War Memorial is overcome with invasive vines. Under the supervision of Vic Federico, volunteers of all ages will work together to free the area from the overgrowth of invasive vines.

Its a great way to help beautify our wonderful community while working along your friends and neighbors on a day or remembrance, reflection and respect.

Wear long sleeves shirts, long pants, appropriate footwear and winter wear.